Get involved



It can be difficult to obtain funding from outside of Tetbury due to its perceived affluence, which can hide the deprivation experienced by some who live in our town. We offer our services for free or minimal cost where possible, whilst valuing the hard work and dedication of our youth workers.  Young people in Tetbury need stability to feel safe and valued. Today, we can 'Step up' and make a difference to support young people in Tetbury, through drop-in sessions and mentoring. Just £5 a month (£60 annually) will cover the cost of 1 drop in session and provides a fun, safe space for young people.

  • 150 people donating just £5 a month will cover the running costs of the drop-in sessions, providing a fun and safe space for young people in Tetbury.

  • £60 (£5 a month) covers the cost of 1 drop in session, including the cost of the youth workers and providing activities for young people.

  • £5 a month is less than 1 latte a week!!


If you would be interested in supporting us in other ways, such as volunteering for sessions, sharing a special skill or expertise with the young people, mentoring or helping at community/fundraising events please get in contact below or email:


Keep in Touch:

If you want to keep updated with the fun and exciting activities and projects we do, please follow us on either of our pages:

Facebook: tetbury youth club

Instagram: tetbury_youth_club


If you would like more information of what we do or are another agency who would like to work in partnership then please fill out the form and we will be in touch.